Saraswati Ashtottara Stotram

सरस्वती महाभद्रा महामाया वरप्रदा
saraswati mahAbhadrA mahAmAyA varapradA
श्रीप्रदा पद्मनिलया पद्माक्षी पद्मवक्त्रका ॥
shrIpradA padmanilayA padmAkshI padmavaktrakA
शिवानुजा पुस्तकभृत् ज्ञानमुद्रा रमा परा
shivAnujA pustakabhrut gyAnamudrA ramA parA
कामरूपा महाविद्या महापातकनाशिनी ॥
kAmaroopA mahAvidyA mahA-pAtaka-nAshini
महाश्रया मालिनी च महाभोगा महाभुजा
mahAshrayA mAlinI cha mahAbhogA mahAbhujA
महाभागा महोत्साहा दिवयाङ्गा सुरवन्दिता ॥
mahAbhAgA mahotsAhA divyAngA suravanditA
महाकाली महापाशा महाकारा महाङकुशा
mahAkAli mahApAshA mahAkArA mahAnkushA
पीता च विमला विश्र्वा विद्युन्माला च वैष्णवी ॥
peetA cha vimalA vishwA vidyunmAlA cha vaishNavI
चन्द्रिका चन्द्रवदना चन्द्रलेखाविभूषिता
chandrikA chandra-vadanA chandralekha-vibhooshitA
सावित्री सुरसा देवी दिव्यालन्कारभूषिता ॥
sAvitrI surasA devI divya-alankAra-bhooshitA

वाग्देवी वसुधा तीव्रा महाभद्रा महाबला
vAgdevI vasudhA teevrA mahAbhadrA mahAbalA
भोगदा भारती भामा गोविन्दा गोमती शिवा ॥
bhogadA bhAratI bhAmA govindA gomatI shivA
जटिला विन्ध्यवासा च विन्ध्याचल विराजिता
jaTilA vindhyavAsA cha vindhyAchala-virAjitA
चण्डिका वैष्णवी ब्राह्मी ब्रह्मज्ञानैकसाधना ॥
chaNDikA vaishNavI brAhmI brahma-gyAnaika-sAdhanA
सौदामिनी सुधामूर्तिस्सुभ्रदा सुरपूजिता
soudAminI sudhAmoorti-subhadrA surapoojitA
सुवासिनी सुनासा च विनिद्रा पद्मलोचना  ॥
suvAsinI sunAsA cha vinidrA padmalochanA
विद्यारूपा विशालाक्षी ब्रह्मजाया महाफला
vidyA-roopA vishAlAkshI brahmajAyA mahAphalA
त्रयीमूर्ती त्रिकालज्ञा त्रिगुणा शास्त्ररूपिणी  ॥
trayImoorti trikAlagyA triguNA shAstra-roopiNI
शुम्भासुर प्रमथिनी शुभदा च स्वरात्मिका 
shumbhAsura-pramathinI shubhadA cha svarAtmikA
रक्तबीजनिहन्त्री च चामुण्डा अम्बिका तथा ॥
raktabeeja-hantrI cha chAmunDA ambika tathA

मुण्डकायप्रहरणा धूम्रलोचनमर्दना
muNDakAya-praharaNA dhoomralochana-mardanA
सर्वदेवस्तुता सौम्या सुरासुरनमस्कृता ॥
sarva-devastutA sowmyA surAsura-namaskrutA
कालरात्रि कलाधारा रूपसौभाग्यदायिनी
kAlarAtri kalAdhArA roopa-sowbhAgya-dhAyinI
वाग्देवी च वरारोहा वाराही वारिजासना ॥
vAgdevI cha varArohA vArAhI vArijAsanA
चित्राम्बरा चित्रगन्धा चित्रमाल्य विभूषिता
chitrAmbarA chitragandhA chitramAlya-vibhooshitA
कान्ता कामप्रदा वन्द्या विद्याधरा सुपूजिता ॥
kAntA kAmapradA vandyA vidyAdharA supoojitA
श्र्वेतासना नीलभुजा चतुर्वर्ग फलप्रदा
shvetAsanA neelabhujA chaturvarga-phalapradA
चतुराननसाम्राज्या रक्तमध्या निरञ्जना ॥
chaturAnana-sAmrAjyA raktamdhyA niranjanA
हंसासना नीलजङघा ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवात्मिका
hamsAsanA neelajanghA brahma-vishNu-shivAtmikA
एवं सरस्वती देव्या नाम्नामष्टोत्तरशतम्  ॥
evam saraswatI devyA nAmnAm-ashtotara-shatam
इति श्री सरस्वती अष्टोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्रम् संपूर्णम्
iti shrI saraswatI ashtottara-shata-nAmastotram sampoorNam.


  1. Actually it's good to see there are a number of shlokas but none mentioned with its meaning.

  2. Namaskaram, I have attached the meaning (links) for many of the slokas, but I am trying to get hold of it for the rest too. Thank you so much for your comments.

    Hari Aum,

  3. hey thanks a ton for this saraswati shostram...i learnt it long back when i was a teenager from my i have forgotten few lines so thought i will find it from the net and i found your it.My sincere thanks to u. Wish u happy new year 2013.

  4. Namaskaram Jayanti,

    Very glad to know that you could find the slokam on this blog. Wish you too a very happy New Year 2013.

    Hari Aum,

  5. The meaning and vandana is here:

    1. Thank you so much for the link. I have included the link at the top.

      Hari Aum

  6. dear sir kindly send a pdf files for saraswati mangla strotram

    1. Namaskaram,

      I am not aware of that slokam. Maybe I have it under a different name, kindly give the first few lines of the slokam. Also, please leave your email id.

      Hari Aum

    2. this strotram sung by mrs prema rangrajan '' vani vani jit sudh vani.

    3. I have a correctionn to make. 8th line is sita.,short i.meaning white.

    4. Así "सित a. white" lo dice la autoridad de Saindhavi. Pero las chicas referidas en esta página dicen "पीत a. yellow". ¿Será una variante o algo por el estilo?

    5. Siitaa, Furrow, (Erudition - न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं !).

  7. why cant I copy the text

    1. Namaskaram,

      If you do not find the sloka PDF uploaded, please write to joyfulslokas at gmail dot com. It shall be emailed to you.

      Hari Aum!

  8. Thank you for the slokas, If I can get an audio of slokas, that would be helpful for me to listen daily in my MP3 player

  9. Respected Sir,
    Saraswati Ashtottara Storam is really wonderful.
    It is so great that you have shred such a revered stotram.
    It really a blessing on us by Saraswati mata.
    Small request:
    Will yourself share with us stotras on Kasi Visalakshi mata.
    Any stotra

  10. Nice. Thanks for uploading. I've bookmarked it for reading it while on move

    1. You are welcome. Glad to know about it. God bless us all.

      Hari Aum.


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