Lalita Navaratna Malai

Tirumiyachur, which finds mention in Thevaram, is the place where Sri Lalita Sahasranamam was revealed to the world. Reciting the hymn Sri Agastya received darshan of Sri Lalitha and he composed Sri Lalita Navaratna Mala. (Information Source: The Hindu Newspaper)

If you are not familiar with Tamil, there is an English version here, that helps with easy pronunciation.

Meaning (English)

(Please use 'zoom in' for an enlarged view and 'pop-out' to download)


  1. Tq very much 4 d post!

  2. Namaskaram,

    Thank you so much for the kind words of acknowledgment.

    Hari Aum!

  3. will anyone write me the same mantra in hindi please

  4. Namaskaram Rajani,

    This is purely a Tamil song. Do you want a Hindi transliteration of this Tamil song?

    Hari Aum,

  5. Namaskaram Ranjaniji,

    Thank you so much. Of course you can take print. I am not sure why you are not able to do it. Please let me know if you would like me to send this slokam to you in word format .. if that would make printing easier.

    Hari Aum,

  6. great.......can you please translate it to English or will be a great help....Please

    1. Namaskaram Sandeep ji,

      Thanks. I have provided a link at the top of the stotram that gives an English translation and transliteration of Lalita Navaratna Malai. I hope it would be of good help to you.

      Hari Aum!

  7. Very good post, I was searching for this song earlier when I was in Qatar took a print out but one stanza not got printed properly, would like to take a print but could not able to do the same request you to send in word format to my id

  8. This song is released by sree nochur swamiji as Agasthya Geetham Bhajans. The author of this book is also sree nochur swamiji he was the one who wrote the song from sree adhi agasthya naadi grantham. This song released by him in the year 1957. We have got all the records for that. For more details about this please contact us through phone or mail
    mob:+91 9809809149,
    e mail-

  9. Thanks put in english lyrics too

  10. It is also reported that Haridas Giri Swamigal, a disciple of the Seer Gnaananda authored this. The lines in the first stanza "Gnaana Satguru Charanam Charanam
    Gnaananda Charanam Charanam"
    seem to corroborate this!


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